Xiaother Exchange 2021
Hello and welcome to the 2021 Xiaother Exchange! Find information about the event and schedule below.
Exchange Schedule
Contributor Sign Ups | July 20th - August 10th |
Matches Sent Out | August 20th |
Creation Period | August 20th - October 20th |
Posting Dates | October 21st-28th |
All work must be Xiao/Aether focused.
All work must be completed to the best of your abilities, and adhere to the request of the giftee.
*The mods will make sure no one receives anything they're uncomfortable creating based on the responses on the sign-up forms
What Is An Exchange?
An exchange is an event in which creators will sign up to create and receive a gift work from another creator. Moderators will match each participant with someone to create and receive from according to their preferences, and then participants will have roughly 2 months to create their gift work. Gifts will be posted by the creator between October 21st-27th.
How Does It Work?
1. Creators will sign up to create a Xiaother Fanwork
2. Creators will be paired off by the moderators according to their preferences on their sign up forms.
3. Creators will be given roughly 2 months to work on their piece, with 2 check in's during that time.
4. Contributors will sign up for a date to post their gift - Posting dates are October 21st - October 28th
5. Contributors will post their gift and tag their giftees on the day they signed up for, and the Xiaother Exchange account will retweet everyone's posts.
Coming Soon!